- PhD student
- Visual Information Laboratory
- University of Bristol, United Kindom
- Email: r.lin@bristol.ac.uk
About Me
I am a PhD student in the Visual Information Laboratory at the University of Bristol, supervised by Dr. Nantheera Anantrasirichai and Prof. David Bull.
I completed my BSc in Computer Science and my MSc in Data Science (with Distiction), both at the University of Bristol.
My research mainly focuses on the analysis and development of techniques for enhancing low-light videos, including denoising, colourisation, contrast enhancement, and content manipulations. My work has been funded by the UKRI MyWorld Strength in Places Programme.
- 19 November 2024: “Low-light Video Enhancement with Conditional Diffusion Models and Wavelet Interscale Attentions” has won the Best Full Paper Award at European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP) 2024!
- 23 September 2024: “Low-light Video Enhancement with Conditional Diffusion Models and Wavelet Interscale Attentions” has been accepted by the ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP) 2024.
- 06 June 2024: “A SPATIO-TEMPORAL ALIGNED SUNET MODEL FOR LOW-LIGHT VIDEO ENHANCEMENT” has been accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2024.
Recent Work
[CVMP 2024 Best Full Paper Award] Low-light Video Enhancement with Conditional Diffusion Models and Wavelet Interscale Attentions Ruirui Lin, Qi Sun, Nantheera Anantrasirichai
[ICIP 2024] A SPATIO-TEMPORAL ALIGNED SUNET MODEL FOR LOW-LIGHT VIDEO ENHANCEMENT Ruirui Lin, Nantheera Anantrasirichai, Alexandra Malyugina, and David Bull
BVI-RLV: A Fully Registered Dataset and Benchmarks for Low-Light Video Enhancement Ruirui Lin, Nantheera Anantrasirichai, Guoxi Huang, Joanne Lin, Qi Sun, Alexandra Malyugina, David R Bull